Food & Community
Food & Government
Spork offers a wide range of services focused on food systems. We are a small, Alaskan based consulting company, with a geographically and experientially broad network of collaborators.
Spork is focused on understanding and enhancing our current food systems. We strive to integrate concepts of environmental, economic, and social sustainability, self-sufficiency, and health to improve, directly or indirectly, community food security.
Food & Economics
Triple bottom line business development
Economic research and analysis
Web-based surveys and data collection
Assessment and implementation of corporate food policies and activities
Restaurant menu analysis
Economic development around historic harvests
Value-added services
Small business start-ups
Food hubs, CSA's and CSF's
Statistical analysis
Food & Community
Systems mapping and analysis
Food sovereignty assessment
Community food assessment
Usage, supply, and health mapping
Identify and connect local food options with organizations
Community organizing
Event planning and facilitation
Emergency preparedness plans
Grant writing and management
Food security assessments for rural, urban, and developing population centers
Food & Government
Toolkits and guidance document development
Primary and secondary data collection and analysis
Health impact assessments
Environmental sampling
Social research
Public space dynamics
Policy development
Literature review